
Neoteny or juvenilization is the slow development of the physiological or somatic characteristics in the development of an organism. Also, it is common in modern humans in comparison to primates. Usually, paedogenesis or progenesis is a type of neoteny in which the development of sexual characteristics is accelerated. Typically, both neoteny and progenesis result in paedomorphism, having the form of children. Therefore, neoteny results in the retention of young characteristics in adults. It is important in evolutionary developmental biology. Importantly, neoteny occurs in animals.

Furthermore, neoteny in humans results in slowing the development of the body. Usually, it keeps characteristics such as a large head, flat face, and relatively short arms. In human evolution, the neoteny characteristics are important in sexual selection. However, neoteny allows human capacities such as emotional communication. In comparison, the presence of relatively large noses and long arms are not neoteny characteristics. Instead, they are paramorphic characteristics.   

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