
Antitoxin refers to an antibody with the ability to neutralize a particular toxin. Animals, plants, and bacteria produce antitoxins in response to a toxin. Apart from the effective neutralization of toxins, antitoxins are capable of killing microorganisms such as bacteria. However, antitoxins are made inside organisms. But these antitoxins can be given to other organisms as well. Importantly, they can be a treatment for a specific infectious disease. In the production of antitoxins, animals are injected with a small amount of a particular toxin. Then, the animal body makes antitoxins against that toxin. After that, antitoxins can be purified from the blood of the animal.

Furthermore, injecting antitoxins against a particular toxin is a type of passive immunity. In order to prevent serum sickness, antitoxins are produced in the same species. Significantly, antitoxins can be given as a treatment for a particular disease in a medical emergency. It provides short-term and immediate protection against diseases. For example, tetanus antitoxin can be given in injuries such as bites, cuts, and puncture wounds.

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