
Charophyta is the other group of green algae in the supergroup Archaeplastida. It is the most relative form of green algae to land plants. It predominantly lives in freshwater habitats. It is green algae that contain chlorophyll a and b. The plant body of Charophyta is macroscopic. It is differentiated into nodes and internodes. Whorls of branches occur in nodes. They are limited growths that resemble the leaves of angiosperm plants. the plant body of Charophyta develops from a single apical cell. Also, the cells of the Charophyta are long and uninucleated. They contain discoid chloroplasts.

Moreover, internodal cells contain a large central vacuole. The cytoplasm is peripheral and the nucleus occupies the center of the cell. Additionally, the asexual reproduction of the Charophyta is vegetative. It forms amylum stars, bulbils, and protonema. However, it does not form spores.

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