
Chlorophyta are green algae that belong to the supergroup Archaeplastida. It contains chlorophyll a and b in the same proportion as in higher plants. It also contains beta carotene (yellow pigment) and xanthophylls (yellow and brown pigments). Its morphological forms include unicellular, multicellular, colonial, and coenocytic forms. Cells of Chlorophyta include chloroplasts and nuclei. They... Continue Reading →

Difference Between Chlorophyta and Charophyta

Definition Chlorophyta refers to a division of lower plants that comprises the green algae, belonging to the kingdom Protista while Charophyta refers to a division of lower plants that includes the stoneworts, which are frequently treated as a class (Charophyceae) of the green algae. Significance Chlorophyta exhibits different morphological structures including unicellular, multicellular, and colonial... Continue Reading →

Chlorella pyrenoidosa

C. pyrenoidosa is another species of freshwater green algae that belongs to the division Chlorophyta. The name of this species specifically indicates the presence of a prominent pyrenoid within the chlorella chloroplast. The pyrenoid is a sub-cellular microcompartment that occurs in the chloroplast of many algae. It associates with the carbon-concentrating mechanism. It serves as... Continue Reading →

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